Friday, June 24, 2011

Photo Friday: Summer's Just Begun, part 1

So with summer starting this week, I thought it was only appropriate to show off some of my recent shots that just ooze summery goodness! And since I've been totally slacking on the blog lately, I have lots!

Like these from a few weeks ago, hanging out at the pool at one of our friend's townhouse complex!
Living in my muscle man's mom's place is great and all, but man I miss the amenities that come with apartment living, like having an awesome pool! As for the shot of my muscle man and his pal, look closer in the bottom corner of that one and you'll see another awesome result of that day... Yum, doughnuts!! We went to get the muscle man fitted for his wedding attire, but since it was Sunday the only shop that was open was across town... But it just so happens there's a doughnut shop right across the street =D And in a few more weeks, we'll finally be getting a shop on 'this side of town', and I so can't wait!

And of course, summer isn't summer for me until I get a watermelon! I'm very much a seasonal eater, and for me watermelon is just made for summer! I think I ate a whole, full size watermelon mostly by myself this week, muscle man chipped in a little bit, but mostly I ate it all =P

And of course, the muscle man and I love the Birmingham Botanical Gardens! It's free, which makes it absolutely perfect for a weekend stroll, and it's pretty large (though tiny compared to the amazing botanical gardens in Huntsville, but they charge...) So this time around we decided to head into the wilder side of the gardens, instead of the Japanese garden side we normally make a bee line for (and where the muscle man proposed to me!) There were some gorgeous flowers along the way, but we had something else in mind... water!

 There's a couple of water features along the trails at the gardens, and though they advise staying on the trails... I'm just not a stay on the trail girl =P I figure I'm just stepping on the rocks, I'm not hurting any of the plants they've carefully put around, and most importantly, I'm not gonna sue them if I'm an idiot and hurt myself haha... So I hopped off the little rock bridge down into the stream and started snapping =) It was so hot in the sun, with the water and plants all around, there was quite a noticeable difference between the shade and sun! Plus, the water wasn't moving that quickly, so there was algae in the pools, which meant I really didn't want to dip my little piggies into the water =P But it was a very nice location anyway!

My muscle man? He just waited patiently in the cool shade and surfed the web =P 

Yay for summer! As for part 2: click here

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