Monday, December 13, 2010

Cooking With Angela: Cookies!

I walked outside this morning to go run errands to find this lovely little winter scene on my car...Which can only mean one thing: time for holiday baking!!

 Christmas Cookies!! I had to go get my own cutters, I've never really had the determination to make any spiffy cut out cookies for myself, I always just make plain jane round ones, but this year I wanted pretty ones!!

 Little know fact: I'm actually a certified food-handling manager, so I know proper sanitary procedures for cooking in a restaurant environment and can supposedly teach that to others... And this is so not legal in Alabama, any food contact requires gloves =P Plus I generally hate having my hands all messy, but for cookies I made sacrifices, I wanted yummy cookies and cute pictures of the process, and it's not like my apartment kitchen is a restaurant, so I don't have food handling gloves laying around anywhere lol!
 I also don't have a fully equipped kitchen, and I forgot to get a rolling pin while I was out getting cookie cutters, so my new cutting mats provided an excellent substitute lol! Just place one on top of the other, dough in between, and press, moving outward to flatten the dough...
 Aww my muscle man was so sweet when he got home from work he helped me ice the cookies! They turned out quite pretty!
And they taste amazing too!

My kitchen was a complete mess afterward, but the cookies were so worth it! By sheer dumb luck I put down this awesome vinyl fabric I had stored away, it made for a super easy clean up... relatively speaking, of course...There was flour everywhere, and sprinkles too =P

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